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List of Daemons

List of Daemons

📰 Data from Yearn Meta

The Yearn Meta repository and API contains all the metadata of the Yearn ecosystem. Contents of the data directory are synced to IPFS for storage, accessible through our API Consistency of the stored data is verified by smalls scripts and schemas.

Yearn Meta is mostly used to provide some human classification or overwrite for some data.

Vaults from Meta

  • Endpoint:
  • Description: The vaults directory contains a bunch of relevant information about each Yearn Vaults.
  • Trigger: The Daemon will refresh the data every 24 hours to assert the data is up-to-date.
  • Automation: An external webhook is connected to the API to ask for a refresh of the data once a new commit to the master branch is performed on the Yearn Meta repository.

Tokens from Meta

  • Endpoint:
  • Description: The tokens directory contains a bunch of relevant information about each tokens that may exits in Yearn's ecosystem.
  • Trigger: The Daemon will refresh the data every 24 hours to assert the data is up-to-date.
  • Automation: An external webhook is connected to the API to ask for a refresh of the data once a new commit to the master branch is performed on the Yearn Meta repository.

Strategies from Meta

  • Endpoint:
  • Description: The strategies directory contains a bunch of relevant information about each strategies that may be attached to a Yearn Vault.
  • Trigger: The Daemon will refresh the data every 24 hours to assert the data is up-to-date.
  • Automation: An external webhook is connected to the API to ask for a refresh of the data once a new commit to the master branch is performed on the Yearn Meta repository.

🕸 Data from Subgraph

The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying networks like Ethereum and IPFS. Anyone can build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, making data easily accessible. The Yearn's Subgraph repository is used to deploy and handle our subgraphs on the supported chainID.


Subgraph is divided in two "versions", hosted and self-hosted. One is community driven while the other is the official one. Both are used the same way and both can be trusted, the community one acting as a fallback.

Token List from subgraph

  • Endpoint: The subgraph address if different for each chainID. For Mainnet, uri is
  • Description: Perform a graphql request to get the list of all tokens that are registered in the subgraph, via a simple query: {vaults {shareToken {id} token {id}}}.
  • Trigger: The Daemon will refresh the data every 1 hour to assert the data is up-to-date.
  • Automation: No other automated is performed.

🔮 Data from Lens Oracle

Yearn Lens is a series of smart contracts that aggregate and format Yearn family protocol data into standardized interfaces. The oracle contract is responsible for fetching price information from various sources and is intended for non-critical off-chain calculations. Prices are returned in USDC.

Prices from Lens

  • Endpoint: Lens contract endpoints depends on the selected chain. Address for Mainnet is 0x83d95e0D5f402511dB06817Aff3f9eA88224B030.
  • Description: Call the getPriceUsdcRecommended function within a multicall for each token supported by the Yearn ecosystem to get the USD price of each of them.
  • Trigger: The Daemon will refresh the data every 1 minute to assert the data is up-to-date.
  • Automation: No other automated is performed.

🪦 Data from v1 API

The Yearn V1 API is built based on the Yearn Exporter system, which collects realtime on-chain numeric data about all Yearn products and exposes it in multiple formats with an update every 30 minutes. The code is written in Python and mix data analysis with API purposes.

APY from V1

  • Endpoint:
  • Description: The API v1 is called to retrieve the APY information for all supported vaults.
  • Trigger: The Daemon will refresh the data every 10 minute to assert the data is up-to-date. Note that the endpoint is updated every 30 minutes.
  • Automation: No other automated is performed.