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API Routes

Prices API

List prices of tokens in USD. Prices are updated every minute and are based on 3 data sources:

  • The Lens Oracle Contract via the getPriceUsdcRecommended method
  • The Curve API to get the price of both the LPs and the Underlying tokens
  • The Yearn Vaults PricePerShare to be able to get the price of the yTokens based on the price of the underlying token
[GET - `prices/all`]:                          List all the prices for all chains.
[GET - `{chainID}/prices/all`]:                List all the prices for a specific chain.
[GET - `{chainID}/prices/{address}`]:          Get a specific price for a specific chain.
[GET - `{chainID}/prices/some/{addresses}`]:   List the prices for a list of addresses for a specific chain.


Get All Prices

Get All Prices: REST API endpoint to get all the Prices in the system for all the chains.




Query arguments
  • humanized: If this property is set to `true`, the prices will be humanized, aka returned as a standard USD value (e.g. 1.001203). Otherwise, the prices will be returned as a BigNumber (e.g. 1001203).

    ?humanized=false # default


Valid request
map[chainID]map[common.Address]string // is humanized is false
map[chainID]map[common.Address]float64 // is humanized is true
	"1": {
		"0x3408324dbb537886cadc180f6ffcf674ee215f67": 19177.775729,
		"0x341bb10d8f5947f3066502dc8125d9b8949fd3d6": 1.37813,
		"0x3432b6a60d23ca0dfca7761b7ab56459d9c964d0": 4.311862,
		"0xff8f8a38c80b9899a928152d58f219fdccd4306c": 1309.000715
	"10": {
		"0x061b87122ed14b9526a813209c8a59a633257bab": 1.013707,
		"0x0a2f234ad2e5e9047067904a9d37d0cd02b80d12": 19197.69964,
		"0x0fbea11f39be912096cec5ce22f46908b5375c19": 1.011286,
		"0x1337bedc9d22ecbe766df105c9623922a27963ec": 1.013718
	"250": {
		"0x03fa4c23ba3a7bc0bec18789ce29c7857324bd22": 0.998672,
		"0x0446acab3e0242fcf33aa526f1c95a88068d5042": 0.934997,
		"0x049d68029688eabf473097a2fc38ef61633a3c7a": 1.000256,
		"0x075c1d1d7e9e1af077b0b6117c6ea06cd0a260b5": 1.002875
	"42161": {
		"0x0a824b5d4c96ea0ec46306efbd34bf88fe1277e0": 1327.728015,
		"0x115d8bf0a53e751f8a472f88d587944ec1c8ca6d": 19142.31,
		"0x116172b2482c5dc3e6f445c16ac13367ac3fcd35": 0.949749,
		"0x1c5ffa4fb4907b681c61b8c82b28c4672ceb1974": 0.542506

	"1": {
		"0x3408324dbb537886cadc180f6ffcf674ee215f67": "19177775729",
		"0x341bb10d8f5947f3066502dc8125d9b8949fd3d6": "137813",
		"0x3432b6a60d23ca0dfca7761b7ab56459d9c964d0": "4311862",
		"0xff8f8a38c80b9899a928152d58f219fdccd4306c": "1309000715"
	"10": {
		"0x061b87122ed14b9526a813209c8a59a633257bab": "1013707",
		"0x0a2f234ad2e5e9047067904a9d37d0cd02b80d12": "1919769964",
		"0x0fbea11f39be912096cec5ce22f46908b5375c19": "1011286",
		"0x1337bedc9d22ecbe766df105c9623922a27963ec": "1013718",
	"250": {
		"0x03fa4c23ba3a7bc0bec18789ce29c7857324bd22": "0998672",
		"0x0446acab3e0242fcf33aa526f1c95a88068d5042": "0934997",
		"0x049d68029688eabf473097a2fc38ef61633a3c7a": "1000256",
		"0x075c1d1d7e9e1af077b0b6117c6ea06cd0a260b5": "1002875",
	"42161": {
		"0x0a824b5d4c96ea0ec46306efbd34bf88fe1277e0": "1327728015",
		"0x115d8bf0a53e751f8a472f88d587944ec1c8ca6d": "1914231",
		"0x116172b2482c5dc3e6f445c16ac13367ac3fcd35": "0949749",
		"0x1c5ffa4fb4907b681c61b8c82b28c4672ceb1974": "0542506",
Invalid request



Get All Prices For ChainID

Get All Prices For ChainID: REST API endpoint to get all the Prices in the system for one specific chainID. You can check the getSupportedChains endpoint to get the list of supported chains.


  • chainID: The chainID of the chain you want to get the Prices for. Must be provided in the URL, and must be one of the supported chains.
Query arguments
  • humanized: If this property is set to `true`, the prices will be humanized, aka returned as a standard USD value (e.g. 1.001203). Otherwise, the prices will be returned as a BigNumber (e.g. 1001203).

    ?humanized=false # default


Valid request
map[common.Address]string // is humanized is false
map[common.Address]float64 // is humanized is true
	"0x3408324dbb537886cadc180f6ffcf674ee215f67": 19177.775729,
	"0x341bb10d8f5947f3066502dc8125d9b8949fd3d6": 1.37813,
	"0x3432b6a60d23ca0dfca7761b7ab56459d9c964d0": 4.311862,
	"0xff8f8a38c80b9899a928152d58f219fdccd4306c": 1309.000715

	"0x3408324dbb537886cadc180f6ffcf674ee215f67": "19177775729",
	"0x341bb10d8f5947f3066502dc8125d9b8949fd3d6": "137813",
	"0x3432b6a60d23ca0dfca7761b7ab56459d9c964d0": "4311862",
	"0xff8f8a38c80b9899a928152d58f219fdccd4306c": "1309000715"
Invalid request
  • 400 - invalid chainID: The provided chainID is not supported.


Get Price For Token

Get Price For Token: REST API endpoint to get all the Price of one specific token for one specific chainID. You can check the getSupportedChains endpoint to get the list of supported chains.


  • chainID: The chainID of the chain you want to get the Price for. Must be provided in the URL, and must be one of the supported chains.
  • address: The address of the token you want to get the information for.
Query arguments
  • humanized: If this property is set to `true`, the prices will be humanized, aka returned as a standard USD value (e.g. 1.001203). Otherwise, the prices will be returned as a BigNumber (e.g. 1001203).

    ?humanized=false # default


Valid request
string // is humanized is false
float64 // is humanized is true

Invalid request
  • 400 - invalid chainID: The provided chainID is not supported.
  • 400 - invalid address: The provided token address is not a valid Ethereum address or is blacklisted for this network.
  • 404 - token not found: The provided token address is not supported.


Get Prices For Some Tokens

Get Price For Token: REST API endpoint to get all the Price of some specific tokens for one specific chainID. You can check the getSupportedChains endpoint to get the list of supported chains.


  • chainID: The chainID of the chain you want to get the Price for. Must be provided in the URL, and must be one of the supported chains.
  • addresses: A list of addresses, separated by a comma, of the tokens you want to get the information for.
Query arguments
  • humanized: If this property is set to `true`, the prices will be humanized, aka returned as a standard USD value (e.g. 1.001203). Otherwise, the prices will be returned as a BigNumber (e.g. 1001203).

    ?humanized=false # default


Valid request
map[common.Address]string // is humanized is false
map[common.Address]float64 // is humanized is true
	"0x3408324dbb537886cadc180f6ffcf674ee215f67": 19177.775729,
	"0x3432b6a60d23ca0dfca7761b7ab56459d9c964d0": 4.311862,
	"0xff8f8a38c80b9899a928152d58f219fdccd4306c": 1309.000715

	"0x3408324dbb537886cadc180f6ffcf674ee215f67": "19177775729",
	"0x3432b6a60d23ca0dfca7761b7ab56459d9c964d0": "4311862",
	"0xff8f8a38c80b9899a928152d58f219fdccd4306c": "1309000715"
Invalid request
  • 400 - invalid chainID: The provided chainID is not supported.