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API Routes

Strategies API

List strategies that are currently active on the Yearn's ecosystem.

[GET - `{chainID}/strategies/all`]:             List the strategies for a specific chain.
[GET - `{chainID}/strategies/{address}`]:       Get a specific strategy for a specific chain.
[GET - `{chainID}/strategy/{address}`]:         Get a specific strategy for a specific chain.
[GET - `{chainID}/reports/{address}`]:          Get the report for a specific strategy for a specific chain.


Get All Strategies

Get All Strategies: REST API endpoint to get all the Strategies in the system for a given chainID.

You can check getSupportedChains to get a list of supported chains.

When performing a GET request to this endpoint, a GraphQL query is executed to retrieve the basic information about all the Strategies from the official Yearn's subgraph.

The strategies from blacklisted vaults are ignored from the query and a comprehensive list of all Strategies is returned.


  • chainID: The chainID of the chain you want to get the Strategies for. Must be provided in the URL, and must be one of the supported chains.
Query arguments
  • orderBy: The vaults are ordered by the `Dropdown.order` property by default, but you can change this by setting this argument to another property of the vaults. Any property of the vaults can be used, separated by a `.` if it's a nested property.

    ?orderBy=Dropdown.order # default
  • orderDirection: The vaults are ordered in ascending order by default, but you can change this by setting this argument to `desc` to get the vaults in descending order.

    ?orderDirection=asc # default
  • strategiesCondition: This property is used to defined which strategies should be returned. We are looking for the "active" strategies but multiple definitions of "active" exist. The possible arguments are:

    • debtLimit: The strategy is active if the debtLimit is greater than 0.
    • debtRatio: The strategy is active if the debtRatio is greater than 0.
    • inQueue: The strategy is active if it is in the vault's withdrawalQueue.
    • absolute: The strategy is active if the debtLimit is greater than 0 and if it is in the vault's withdrawalQueue and if the totalDebt is greater than 0.
    ?strategiesCondition=debtLimit # default


Valid request
type TStrategy struct {
	Address     common.Address              `json:"address"`
	Name        string                      `json:"name"`
	Description string                      `json:"description"`

	// Details contains the details about a strategy.
	Details struct {
		Keeper                  common.Address `json:"keeper"`
		Strategist              common.Address `json:"strategist"`
		Rewards                 common.Address `json:"rewards"`
		HealthCheck             common.Address `json:"healthCheck"`
		TotalDebt               *bigNumber.Int `json:"totalDebt"`
		TotalLoss               *bigNumber.Int `json:"totalLoss"`
		TotalGain               *bigNumber.Int `json:"totalGain"`
		RateLimit               *bigNumber.Int `json:"rateLimit,omitempty"`
		MinDebtPerHarvest       *bigNumber.Int `json:"minDebtPerHarvest,omitempty"`
		MaxDebtPerHarvest       *bigNumber.Int `json:"maxDebtPerHarvest,omitempty"`
		EstimatedTotalAssets    *bigNumber.Int `json:"estimatedTotalAssets"`
		CreditAvailable         *bigNumber.Int `json:"creditAvailable"`
		DebtOutstanding         *bigNumber.Int `json:"debtOutstanding"`
		ExpectedReturn          *bigNumber.Int `json:"expectedReturn"`
		DelegatedAssets         *bigNumber.Int `json:"delegatedAssets"`
		DelegatedValue          string         `json:"delegatedValue"`
		Version                 string         `json:"version"`
		Protocols               []string       `json:"protocols"`
		APR                     float64        `json:"apr"`
		PerformanceFee          uint64         `json:"performanceFee"`
		LastReport              uint64         `json:"lastReport"`
		Activation              uint64         `json:"activation"`
		KeepCRV                 uint64         `json:"keepCRV"`
		DebtRatio               uint64         `json:"debtRatio,omitempty"` // Only > 0.2.2
		DebtLimit               uint64         `json:"debtLimit"`
		WithdrawalQueuePosition int64          `json:"withdrawalQueuePosition"`
		DoHealthCheck           bool           `json:"doHealthCheck"`
		InQueue                 bool           `json:"inQueue"`
		EmergencyExit           bool           `json:"emergencyExit"`
		IsActive                bool           `json:"isActive"`
	} `json:"details,omitempty"`

	// Risk contains the scores and allocations from the risk framework.
	Risk struct {
		RiskScore   float64                         `json:"riskScore"`
		RiskGroup   string                          `json:"riskGroup"`
		RiskDetails struct {
			TVLImpact           int `json:"TVLImpact"`
			AuditScore          int `json:"auditScore"`
			CodeReviewScore     int `json:"codeReviewScore"`
			ComplexityScore     int `json:"complexityScore"`
			LongevityImpact     int `json:"longevityImpact"`
			ProtocolSafetyScore int `json:"protocolSafetyScore"`
			TeamKnowledgeScore  int `json:"teamKnowledgeScore"`
			TestingScore        int `json:"testingScore"`
		} `json:"riskDetails"`
		Allocation  struct {
			Status          string           `json:"status"`
			CurrentTVL      *bigNumber.Float `json:"currentTVL"` // value in USDC
			AvailableTVL    *bigNumber.Float `json:"availableTVL"`
			CurrentAmount   *bigNumber.Float `json:"currentAmount"` // value in WANT
			AvailableAmount *bigNumber.Float `json:"availableAmount"`
		}    `json:"allocation"`
	} `json:"risk,omitempty"`
Invalid request
  • 400 - invalid chainID: The provided chainID is not supported.
  • 500 - impossible to fetch subgraph: yDaemon was unable to connect to the subgraph.
  • 500 - invalid graphQL response: yDaemon was unable to parse the response from the subgraph.


Get One Strategy

Get One Strategy: REST API endpoint to get one specific strategy for a given chainID.

You can check getSupportedChains to get a list of supported chains.

When performing a GET request to this endpoint, a GraphQL query is executed to retrieve the basic information about this specific strategy from the official Yearn's subgraph.

If the address is invalid or the strategy does not exist, the 400 error code is returned.


  • chainID: The chainID of the chain you want to get the Strategy for. Must be provided in the URL, and must be one of the supported chains.
  • address: The address of the strategy you want to get the information for.
Query arguments



Valid request
type TStrategy struct {
	Address     common.Address              `json:"address"`
	Name        string                      `json:"name"`
	Description string                      `json:"description"`

	// Details contains the details about a strategy.
	Details struct {
		Keeper                  common.Address `json:"keeper"`
		Strategist              common.Address `json:"strategist"`
		Rewards                 common.Address `json:"rewards"`
		HealthCheck             common.Address `json:"healthCheck"`
		TotalDebt               *bigNumber.Int `json:"totalDebt"`
		TotalLoss               *bigNumber.Int `json:"totalLoss"`
		TotalGain               *bigNumber.Int `json:"totalGain"`
		RateLimit               *bigNumber.Int `json:"rateLimit,omitempty"`
		MinDebtPerHarvest       *bigNumber.Int `json:"minDebtPerHarvest,omitempty"`
		MaxDebtPerHarvest       *bigNumber.Int `json:"maxDebtPerHarvest,omitempty"`
		EstimatedTotalAssets    *bigNumber.Int `json:"estimatedTotalAssets"`
		CreditAvailable         *bigNumber.Int `json:"creditAvailable"`
		DebtOutstanding         *bigNumber.Int `json:"debtOutstanding"`
		ExpectedReturn          *bigNumber.Int `json:"expectedReturn"`
		DelegatedAssets         *bigNumber.Int `json:"delegatedAssets"`
		DelegatedValue          string         `json:"delegatedValue"`
		Version                 string         `json:"version"`
		Protocols               []string       `json:"protocols"`
		APR                     float64        `json:"apr"`
		PerformanceFee          uint64         `json:"performanceFee"`
		LastReport              uint64         `json:"lastReport"`
		Activation              uint64         `json:"activation"`
		KeepCRV                 uint64         `json:"keepCRV"`
		DebtRatio               uint64         `json:"debtRatio,omitempty"` // Only > 0.2.2
		DebtLimit               uint64         `json:"debtLimit"`
		WithdrawalQueuePosition int64          `json:"withdrawalQueuePosition"`
		DoHealthCheck           bool           `json:"doHealthCheck"`
		InQueue                 bool           `json:"inQueue"`
		EmergencyExit           bool           `json:"emergencyExit"`
		IsActive                bool           `json:"isActive"`
	} `json:"details,omitempty"`

	// Risk contains the scores and allocations from the risk framework.
	Risk struct {
		RiskScore   float64                         `json:"riskScore"`
		RiskGroup   string                          `json:"riskGroup"`
		RiskDetails struct {
			TVLImpact           int `json:"TVLImpact"`
			AuditScore          int `json:"auditScore"`
			CodeReviewScore     int `json:"codeReviewScore"`
			ComplexityScore     int `json:"complexityScore"`
			LongevityImpact     int `json:"longevityImpact"`
			ProtocolSafetyScore int `json:"protocolSafetyScore"`
			TeamKnowledgeScore  int `json:"teamKnowledgeScore"`
			TestingScore        int `json:"testingScore"`
		} `json:"riskDetails"`
		Allocation  struct {
			Status          string           `json:"status"`
			CurrentTVL      *bigNumber.Float `json:"currentTVL"` // value in USDC
			AvailableTVL    *bigNumber.Float `json:"availableTVL"`
			CurrentAmount   *bigNumber.Float `json:"currentAmount"` // value in WANT
			AvailableAmount *bigNumber.Float `json:"availableAmount"`
		}    `json:"allocation"`
	} `json:"risk,omitempty"`
Invalid request
  • 400 - invalid chainID: The provided chainID is not supported.
  • 400 - invalid address: The provided token address is not a valid Ethereum address or is blacklisted for this network.
  • 500 - impossible to fetch subgraph: yDaemon was unable to connect to the subgraph.
  • 500 - invalid graphQL response: yDaemon was unable to parse the response from the subgraph.


Get Reports for Strategy

Reports for Strategy: REST API endpoint to get the reports for a specific strategy on a given chainID. You can check the getSupportedChains endpoint to get the list of supported chains.


  • chainID: The chainID of the chain you want to get the Vaults for. Must be provided in the URL, and must be one of the supported chains.
Query arguments



Valid request
		"id": "0xc3907925e4258489c584f304c787e4d90e6ebed585b474e9886c32ac4e7be9d0-339",
		"debtAdded": "202429630522854712767528",
		"debtLimit": "5000",
		"totalDebt": "683275560336464892653151",
		"gain": "397421930127572576655",
		"totalGain": "397421930127572576655",
		"loss": "0",
		"totalLoss": "0",
		"debtPaid": "0",
		"timestamp": "1666189115000",
		"results": [
				"duration": "167088000",
				"durationPR": "0.0008265057588854393264328008055694074",
				"APR": "0.1559937614443360061667193706575986"
		"id": "0x4eddee4bcda754289727b1b221f87e0c3989ae9133a086fe5c98e0ce7cb8194e-385",
		"debtAdded": "480845929813610179885623",
		"debtLimit": "5000",
		"totalDebt": "480845929813610179885623",
		"gain": "0",
		"totalGain": "0",
		"loss": "0",
		"totalLoss": "0",
		"debtPaid": "0",
		"timestamp": "1666022027000",
		"results": [
Invalid request
  • 400 - invalid chainID: The provided chainID is not supported.
  • 400 - invalid address: The provided token address is not a valid Ethereum address or is blacklisted for this network.
  • 500 - impossible to fetch subgraph: yDaemon was unable to connect to the subgraph.
  • 500 - invalid graphQL response: yDaemon was unable to parse the response from the subgraph.